For many people, workplace fatigue is a fact of life. Some feel it worst near the very end of the week, while many others experience it as early as Tuesday morning. Only when the weekend arrives do they get a chance to recharge. Before they know it, they’re back at work.
Many people notice this pattern but accept it as par for the course in the working world. They’ve come to accept that feeling exhausted is the norm and that near-constant working is the only way to get the results they desire.
Here at LinkNow,
we’ve noticed the burnout and fatigue that can follow a frantic workday. What’s more, we’ve noticed how much our teams thrive when they’re given a bit of time to relax, reflect, and recharge.
Less is More: The Benefits of Breaks and Breathers
For quite some time, the 40-hour work week has been the norm. Assignments and productivity quotas are designed with these working hours in mind. We work at a breakneck pace to fulfill our roles in the allotted time, and somehow it still doesn’t feel like enough time. The fact is, it never will. Not until you step back and take stock of the bigger picture.
Studies have shown that working even just a little less throughout the day
boosts productivity!
What’s more, giving your colleagues and employees
more time for leisure and relaxation has other workplace benefits such as:
We Need Energy to Exercise Our Creative Muscles
When we say creativity, we aren’t referring to traditional artistic practices like graphic design, creative writing, or the fine arts. People are creative in all sorts of ways.
Many of the little hiccups and minor challenges that pop up throughout the workday demand that we exercise our creative muscles. And any team’s most standout efforts shine so brightly because someone took a creative approach to a challenging problem.
With more time to unwind, creative ideas will come to mind!
Breaks Can Lead to Breakthroughs
Forget trying to make up a clever joke on the spot, but have you ever simply tried to recall a joke when someone asked you to? Oftentimes, we’re at a loss. It’s only when the pressure has worn off—and the moment has passed—that we’re able to remember the perfect joke for a situation.
That’s what some workdays can feel like. We’re trying to force a creative breakthrough to happen, only to become more frustrated as time goes on.
Taking time to yourself can relieve the pressure of the moment and let your mind wander to those interesting
places where great ideas are hiding.
Take Time to Find Inspiration
It may sound counter-intuitive but walking away from a project can make the best ideas manifest. When we take time away from a project, we have a chance to be inspired by the work of others and the world around us. That’s the inspiration you can bring back to your team when you’re recharged and ready.
These breakthroughs aren’t just good for your project, they’re good for your overall mood and the morale of the workplace. The better our ideas are, the better we feel about our careers. No one wants to bang their head against a wall all day and suffer through constant fatigue. They want to be energized and inspired!