At LinkNow Media, we’ve looked at Generation Y, aka Millennials, in the workplace in a
previous post. Today, we are looking at Generation Z, the generation following Millennials, sometimes referred to as iGen. This group is often defined as being born after 2000, though some sources say since 1995. Despite the 5-year difference, one thing is for sure: Generation Z will be working aside Millennials and Gen X-ers before you know it. It’s only a matter of time until your workplace starts employing members of this generation, so it pays to know a thing or two about them. Just as there are certain ways to approach Millennials in the office, there are points to keep in mind when interacting with Gen Z employees. Here are three characteristics typical of this group of people.
Digital Footprints
Most Millennials have grown up always knowing the internet, and have connected with people on social networks like Facebook later in their teens and early twenties. Generation Z got an earlier start using the same social media platforms as well as other social networks like Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. They identify with their digital persona just as much as their real-life persona, and know the importance of branding themselves online. If you want to succeed online in the coming years, you’ll want someone who understands this balance.
There’s no doubting that this is a generation of DIY-selfers. With so many blogs, social networks, and content, all the answers to all their questions are always at their fingertips. It’s not surprising then that a large percentage of members of Gen Y aspire to own their own business. While the challenges of starting a business may have intimidated older generations, such challenges look like a quick Google search to this younger generation. Don’t be afraid to let them take the reins on a project, or reinvent a system of your workplace. Employers are already starting to think of their new, younger employees as intrepreneurs, or entrepreneurs within a company.
Most Millennials grew up watching their parents struggle through the recession, which is why financial stability in a career is so important to them. While pay is also important to Gen Z-ers, they tend to seek experiences. As a generation who grew up online, this could be due to the fact that they crave something “real.” So, it may be time to rethink how you acknowledge hard work. Instead of cash bonuses, you may want to consider tickets to a sports game or a gift certificate to a restaurant.
Final Thoughts
Generation Z has a lot to bring to the table, especially when it comes to online branding and digital marketing strategy. If you want to attract top talent from this population, you’ll need to nurture these characteristics. Of course, these are only three. There is so much more that makes this generation so valuable. At LinkNow Media, we are sure to visit this topic again as we learn more about what Generation Z expects as an employee in the workforce.